We want to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who is relocating to Okinawa! Okinawa is a fabulous place to be assigned to and we want to ensure your tour starts off right by providing every possible resource to ensure your relocation to Okinawa is as easy as possible.

Okinawa is located approximately 400 miles south of mainland Japan. Okinawa is home to III Marine Expeditionary Force and Marine Corps Installation Pacific (MCIPAC).  Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler (MCB Camp Butler), which falls under MCIPAC, includes Camp KinserCamp FosterCamp CourtneyCamp HansenCamp Schwaband Camp Gonsalves. Okinawa is also home to  Marine Corps Air Station Futenma. Major subordinate commands falling under the III Marine Expeditionary Force include 3rd Marine Logistics Group3rd Marine Division1st Marine Aircraft Wing3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, and 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit. Navy presence on Okinawa includes Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa with its tenant commands and the  U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa on Camp Foster. Naval facilities are physically located throughout Okinawa (on Kadena Air Base, Camp Shields, and White Beach Naval Facility). There is also a significant Air Force and Army presence on Okinawa located at Kadena Air Base and Torii Station. Among what is available on Okinawa, please know that there are Off-Limits Establishments and Areas that are outlined in the MARINE FORCES JAPAN ORDER 1050.1D.

ALL E-5 and below unaccompanied Marines and Sailors assigned to Marine units arriving on Okinawa, please read the Joint Reception Center (JRC) Welcome Aboard Letter.

Click each box for more information

Marine & Family Programs

Information, Referral, and Relocation

This program provides information and referral functions designed for mobile military lifestyles....

Single Marine Program

The Single Marine Program (SMP) serves as the voice for single Marines in identifying concerns, d...


The MCCS Libraries maintain a collection of print, audio-visual, early literacy programs, book cl...

Voluntary Education

The Voluntary Education Program provides personal and professional learning opportunities to the ...

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Volunteer Opportunities

The Volunteer Program provides volunteer opportunities to active duty personnel, their family mem...

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Transition Readiness Program

The Transition Readiness Program implements a comprehensive transition and employment assistance ...

Personal Financial Management

The Personal Financial Management Program assists Marines and their families in achieving and sus...

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