Driver Education

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Registration is now open!

Forms can be downloaded via the links below! Act fast and save your spot today!

Registration Forms for ACTIVE DUTY

Registration Forms for TEEN & ADULT

To save you time, you can send all your registration forms via email.


Our American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA)/AAA-certified courses are 45 hours in length. Includes 39 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of Behind the Wheel instruction.

Prices for courses:
Active Duty $300
Teen & Adult $300
Refresher $75

Our payment method is online, once we receive all registration document, we will send a link via email.

Time for each course:
*We only conduct class Monday-Friday, unless there is a federal holiday.
Active Duty 0800-1630
Teen & Adult 1700-2000

Refresher (please contact us for the day and time of course)

Course schedules and times are subject to change due to holidays and Typhoon conditions. Classes will be canceled when TCCOR-1 is announced.


If you are signing up your dependent for the first-time driver course, Marine Corps Order states that they have to be 16 years of age to attend. If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call us. Thank you.


Course Schedule

2025 Course Schedule
  Foster Classes Hansen Classes  
January 27-31   7-24
February 24-28   3-20
March 24-28   3-19




  • At the time of enrollment please provide registration form, consent for recording form, and parent/guardian form available on our website.
  • Student must be 16+ years old OR will turn 16 years old on the first day of classroom instruction.
  • Course schedules and times are subject to change due to holidays and typhoon conditions. Classes will be canceled when TCCOR-1 is announced.  
  • Students are required to have a learner’s permit prior to scheduling Behind the Wheel instruction.
  • Behind the Wheel instruction is scheduled and contingent on student and instructor availability.


Frequently Asked Questions

What paperwork will I need to register?

Please proceed to the three highlighted yellow links.

Where do I pay for the course and turn in my paperwork?

We do not have a cash register at our office building, you can send us the paperwork via email and we will send you a link to pay once we receive the paperwork. If you would still like to stop by our office building it is located on Camp Foster Bldg. 5677, near the Gas Station and across from the Marine Thrift Shop.

How long is the First Time Driver’s course?

It is a 45 hours long course. All students must successfully complete 39 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of behind the wheel (BTW) instruction. Classroom instruction is held one week for active duty personnel and 13 days for teens and adults. BTW instruction is scheduled after completion with Instructors. Who is eligible to sign up for the 45 hour First Time Driver’s course? All U.S. SOFA members, military personnel, DOD civilians, dependents and contractors. Students are required to be 16 years of age or older on or before the start of the first day of class.

Who is eligible to sign up for the refresher class?

All U.S. SOFA members, military personnel, DOD civilians, dependents and contractors who have exceeded their two (2) chances to successfully pass the written/road test in the 45-hour, first time driver’s course. Individuals that have a SOFA and Stateside license that will expire but the stateside license can’t be renewed by mail or online.

*Active Duty* Is there anything that I need to do before I get my Sofa License?

All MCB, III MEF and Hospital E-3 and below must complete the in person E-3 and Below POV Course held every Thursday. This is a 6-hour course that includes a PowerPoint presentation as well as a practical application with adult trikes and BAC goggles. Send nominations to your S-3 or training section. They will email SSgt Porter the nominations for your units. You will receive the details for your course shortly after that from them. You must bring your CO signed yellow card to class for verification.

If I have a stateside permit but not a license what class do I take?

Individuals that have a valid state-side Learner’s Permit, but did not receive their Driver’s License it depends on what you received from the state you got your permit from. You have to have a certificate showing they have attended a 45 hour driving course from a course accredited through the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) or any other agency, and a log sheet signed by a licensed driver/drivers over the age of 21, showing that you have driven 40 hours during the day and 10 at night. We recommend to call or go to base safety as they are the ones who issue the SOFA License. Here is there location and contact information (Camp Foster Bldg. 5831 or call 645-7219 / Camp Courtney Bldg.4319 or call 645-6202).

What happens if I don’t pass my written test?

Students enrolled in the First Time Driver’s Course must score 80% or higher in order to schedule their behind the wheel (BTW) portion of the course. Students have two (2) chances to pass the written exam, if after two attempts they do not successfully pass the exam, they will need to sign up for the refresher class. This course consists of classroom instruction and a written test.

What happens if I don’t pass my driving test?

Students have two (2) chances to pass the driving exam, if after two attempts they do not successfully pass the exam, they will need to sign up for the refresher class.

How do I schedule Behind the Wheel (BTW) instruction?

Behind the wheel (BTW) is scheduled at the discretion of the student/instructor. BTW will be scheduled after successful completion of the classroom instruction. For dependents under 18, a parent must provide authorization to take the BTW Driving evaluation and the applicant must have a driving permit.

After completing Driver’s education class, does my teenager (16-17 years of age) get their full privilege of driving on and off installation?

No, after completing the driver’s education class, individuals 16 & 17 years of age are only authorized to operate a privately owned vehicle (POV) on base. Individuals 18 years of age and older may be restricted to driving on base for 30 days, after which full driving privileges will be authorized to operate a POV on and off installation.

Will my certificate of completion for the First Time Driver’s Course be honored in the United States?

It varies from state to state. Contact your local stateside Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for verification. Our program is certified program through the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) and some states will recognize the certificate of completion. (Please note: The First Time Driver’s Education course is ONLY intended for those individuals needing/wanting to drive while stationed in Japan).

My teenager (16-17 years of age) successfully completed a driver’s education course in the U.S., but never got his/her driver’s license. Can they get their SOFA (USFJ Form 4 EJ) driver’s license?

It depends. A certified formal driver training course is defined as any course accredited through the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) or any other agency document displaying proof of 45 hours of aggregate (classroom and hands-on) instruction with not less than 6 hours of professionally supervised, hands-on road driving before being issued their operator’s permit. Also you must have a log sheet showing that the permit holder has completed 40 hours of daytime driving hours and 10 night hours signed off by a licensed driver 21yo or older.

My state side license has expired and I can’t get my SOFA (USFJ form 4EJ) Driver license renewed. What are my options?

If your state side license has expired, contact your Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for current procedures addressing renewal of licenses for military affiliated personnel. Many states allow licenses issued to military personnel, their family members, and DOD civilian employees, to remain valid, irrespective of expiration date, while they continue to serve in an overseas assignment (or until their return to the state). Others allow renewal by mail. If renewal is honored by DMV, documentation is required from the state allowing the license to remain valid until returned from overseas. If the state DMV does not allow the license to remain valid, irrespective of the expiration date, you will need to register for the 45 hour, first time driver’s education class. You can also sign up and take the MCCS Driving School refresher course before your current SOFA license expires, the certificate of completion will allow you to renew your SOFA license.

Where do I take the SOFA license test to get my Learners Permit?

Base Safety on Camp Foster Bldg. 5831 or Camp Courtney Bldg.4319. For POV licensing questions contact them at 645-7219 and 622-6202. If you are calling from an iPhone 098-970-7219 and 098-954-6202.

Active Duty Personnel Enrollment

All active duty personnel enrolling for Driver Education courses must complete the following:

Classroom Location

  • First Time Driver Courses (Teen & Adult) are held at Camp Foster Marine & Family Bldg. 445 upstairs classroom.
  • Active Duty Courses will be held at Camp Foster Library Bldg. 5679 upstairs classrooms (We will disclose the room number at the time of payment)
  • Refresher Courses are held at Camp Foster Bldg. 5677 Driver Education office building first floor.
  • Summer Courses (June, July & August) for Teen & Adult will be held at Camp Foster Library Bldg. 5679 upstairs classrooms (We will disclose the room number at the time of payment)

Permit Process

We recommend that you get your permit before the start of the course.
How to get it:
2nd step: Once you are done with studying then go to base safety (Camp Foster bldg. 5831 or Camp Courtney bldg. 4319) to take test.
  • The learners permit test is offered at both Camps Foster and Courtney Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 0800 and 1000 on a first come first serve basis.
  • Processing starts at 0730 and 0930 for each test session. Every Wednesday, Camp Foster will be closed for NOWA briefing, but Camp Courtney will remain open.
Take your driving package along with the receipt we provide you to base safety when you are ready to take the permit test. 
For more information on the permit process or what you need to bring to base safety please view the Driver License Flyer 


Contact Information and Resources
Driver Education

Phone: 098-970-5823

DSN: 645-5823/080-6489-8720

OCONUS Base Phone: 81-98-970-5823

Hours of operation:

Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Closed during all Federal Holidays
Holiday Hours
Resource Downloads
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