Disaster Preparedness

In the event of emergency conditions on Okinawa caused by a natural disaster or crisis, all non-essential personnel may be evacuated off-island. The MCIPAC Emergency Preparedness site contains useful information and checklists to help you prepare. You can also stay informed through the AtHoc Notification Messaging System. If you have just arrived on island, your sponsor can help you register you and your family upon arrival.

Have little ones in your family? Visit "Ready Kids" to help them learn about disaster preparedness in a fun and interactive way. The Air Force also provides a site that offers all sorts of puzzles and activities to help kids learn about disaster preparedness.  Visit "Be Ready Kids" to download your activity sheets for kids ages 4-12.

Helpful Resources

Weather Closures

The majority of MCCS facilities will close when TCCOR (Tropical Cyclone Conditions of Readiness) 1 Caution (1C) is declared; the exceptions are Tsunami Scuba Centers, unstaffed satellite gyms and aquatic centers, all of which will close at TCCOR 1, and food trucks and outdoor HITT/functional fitness areas, which will close at TCCOR 2 or when conditions warrant. 

  • Child Development Centers and School Age Care will close one hour after TCCOR 1C is announced. Parents must pick up their children AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after the announcement. CDC and SAC facilities will reopen within two hours of declaration of TCCOR SW or All Clear.** Parents will receive an email notification when the facility is operational. If unsure of opening time, parents should call their child’s CDC or SAC to verify that the facility is open.
  • Group fitness and Excellence Gymnastics Academy classes will be cancelled when TCCOR 1 is announced. Fitness centers will close when TCCOR 1C is announced and will reopen within two hours of declaration of TCCOR Storm Watch (SW) or All Clear unless facility damage has occurred.** 
  • Aquatics Centers will close at TCCOR 1.
  • Outdoor HITT/Functional Fitness areas will close at TCCOR 2 unless conditions allow for those areas to remain open until TCCOR 1.  
  • Arts & Crafts Centers, Bowling Centers, Excellence Gymnastics Academy, Tours Plus, Tsunami Scuba and Typhoon Motors will reopen within two hours of TCCOR SW or All Clear declaration.**
  • Inns of the Corps / Lodging will remain open with front-desk operations available 24/7. 
  • Clubs, restaurants and food concepts will close when TCCOR 1C is announced. Reopening times will be determined by facility after All Clear is announced.
  • Food truck operations will cease when weather conditions warrant or when TCCOR-2 is announced. Operations will resume when weather conditions permit after All Clear is announced.
  • Marine & Family Programs including Libraries, Resource Centers, Education Centers, Behavioral Health (Substance Abuse Counseling, Family Advocacy, Community Counseling), and Marine Corps Family Team Building will close at TCCOR 1C and will reopen within two hours of SW or All Clear.**  
  • Taiyo Golf Club will have more information about its reopening time two (2) hours after TCCOR SW or All Clear is declared.

  ** Unless within 3-1/2 hours of their normal closing time, in which case they will reopen the next business day. Facility reopenings are contingent upon an on-site inspection after TCCOR SW or All Clear to assure no storm damage has occurred that renders the facility unsafe to reopen.

For these programs and others not listed, please check our Facebook pages (a complete listing w/links is below) for the most up-to-date information. 

For information about the current TCCOR status, visit https://www.kadena.af.mil/Agencies/Local-Weatherhttps://www.facebook.com/Wave89, or https://www.facebook.com/KadenaAirBase.

Below is a listing of our 10 MCCS Okinawa Pages on Facebook. Scan the list to find the MCCS program (and/or activities) that you're interested in, then click on the link to learn more. If you can't find what you're looking for, call MCCS Marketing at 645-3970 (or 098-970-3970 from off-base/cell), Mon–Fri, 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., or you can post your MCCS-related question to a Facebook page, direct-message us via Facebook, or email us at askmccs@okinawa.usmc-mccs.org.   

MCCS Okinawa: facebook.com/mccsokinawa

Aquatics: facebook.com/mccsokinawa.aquatics

Comic Con: facebook.com/comicconokinawa

Education & Libraries: facebook.com/mccsokinawa.educationandlibraries

Marine & Family: facebook.com/mccsokinawa.marineandfamily

Semper Fit: facebook.com/mccsokinawa.semperfit

School Liaison Officer: facebook.com/mccsokinawa.slo

Taiyo Golf Club: facebook.com/taiyogc

Tours+: facebook.com/mccsokinawa.toursplus

Tsunami Scuba: facebook.com/mccsokinawa.scuba

Last updated: May 9, 2024 8 a.m.

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