Transition Readiness Program

We prepare Marines for the civilian workforce through the Transition Readiness Program by providing guidance and training for transitioning success.

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On this page:

Steps to Success

Start Here

IC Standard Pre-Work Instructions
Pre-Work Checklist
Initiate an eForm
Reserved Opportunity Obligation Brief (ROOB)
Creating a account

Initial Counseling

Initiate an Initial Counseling (IC) no later than 365 days from your EAS

Contact your UTC and complete your Pre-Work Checklist.

  • Download and complete Pre-Work Checklist
  • Schedule Initial Counseling Appointment via Eventbrite

Attend your IC appointment

During the appointment, you will discuss your transition plan and determine your Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS) requirements, tier assignment and track (if required).

  • In-person IC: Bring checklist and Self-Assessment/ITP to your appointment
  • Virtual IC: Email checklist and Self-Assessment/ITP to


Attend Pre-Separation Counseling no later than 365 days prior to EAS

Must have IC completed prior to attending.

You can schedule your Pre-Separation Counseling Brief during your IC appointment or by contacting 645-3151 /

Pre-Separation Counseling Briefs are conducted monthly in person on Camps Kinser (Bldg. 1220), Foster (Bldg. 445), Hansen (Bldg. 2339) and Schwab (Bldg. 3000).

During the Pre-Separation Counseling, you will receive invaluable information such as benefits, entitlements and resources for eligible transitioning service members.

  • In-person Pre-Separation Counseling: Bring checklist to the brief

Transition Readiness Seminar

Attend TRS (including Pre-Retirement) no later than 180 days prior to EAS

Must have IC & Pre-Separation Counseling completed prior to requesting a TRS Date.

Contact your UTC to schedule TRS/Pre-Retirement.

  • Present proof of completed IC and Pre-Separation Counseling to your UTC
    (Pre-Work Checklist or a printout of your eForm)
  • Your UTC will request a date for TRS or Pre-Retirement using CLC2S
  • NOTE: If you were assessed as Tier 3 during your IC, you must attend a 2-Day track. Regardless of tier, you may enroll in one or more tracks

Attend TRS/Pre-Retirement

  • Once your UTC’s request date has been approved, the UTC should notify you of your TRS/Pre-Retirement date
  • You will receive an email prior to the class with more information—including time, location and material—from a TRP staff member

The following Career Readiness Standards (CRS) will be covered in class and are deliverable during Step 4-Capstone Review.

Self-Assessment/Individual Transition Plan All tiers required
Financial Snapshot Tier 2 & 3 required; Tier 1 optional
Transition Assistance Program Resources  
Gap Analysis Tier 2 & 3 required; Tier 1 optional

2-Day Track CRS Deliverables

Employment Track: Draft Resume Tier 3 required; Tier 1 & 2 optional
Education Track: Comparison of Colleges/Universities Tier 3 required; Tier 1 & 2 optional
Vocational Track: Comparison of Technical Schools Tier 3 required; Tier 1 & 2 optional
Entrepreneurial Track - None Tier 3 required; Tier 1 & 2 optional

Participant Guides - TRS Curriculum

Core Curriculum

Managing Your (MY) Transition
Military Occupation Code (MOC) Crosswalk
Financial Planning

Department of Labor (DOL) 1-Day

Employment Fundamentals of Career Transition

Veterans Affairs

VA Benefits & Services Participant Guide

Transition Readiness Program Schedules

Recommended materials to have during class


Conduct Capstone Review no later than 120 days prior to EAS

After TRS/Pre-Retirement, schedule a mandatory Capstone Review with TRP staff. Once your Career Readiness Standards (CRS) have been reviewed, you will be asked to digitally sign the eForm.

Required CRS for Capstone Review:

Based on your tier assignment, the following CRS are required for Capstone Review. They can be downloaded from STEP THREE –Transition Readiness Seminar.

CRS Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Pre-Work Checklist
Gap Analysis  
Financial Snapshot  
2-Day Track CRS    

2-Day Track CRS note

  • Employment: Draft resume or verification of employment
  • Vocational: Comparison of technical school
  • Education: College comparison tool
  • Entrepreneurship: None

Commander's Verification

Conduct Commander's Verification/Capstone no later than 90 days prior to EAS

Contact your UTC to schedule a meeting with your CO/Capstone Designee.

  • Your CO/Capstone Designee will review your CRS and digitally sign the eForm.
  • Log on to milconnect to download and print your completed eForm, which is now a DD2648. You will need two copies, one for your UTC and one for IPAC.

Programs, Resources & Support

Get started on your steps for the Transition Readiness Seminar with a detailed checklist, documents, and downloads, preparing you for success as you begin your transition from military service to civilian life.

Getting Started

Helping you be successful as you begin your transition to civilian life.

Direct Affiliation Program

Marines transitioning to the Marine Corps Reserve through the Direct Affiliation Program qualify for up to a $25K signing bonus, choice of duty station, and lateral move opportunities.

Learn More


SkillBridge connects Marines to real job opportunities, offering training, apprenticeships, or internships for civilian work experience.

Learn More

Marine For Life

Marine For Life Network (M4L) connects transitioning Marines and their family members to education resources, employment opportunities, and other Veterans services that aid in their career and life goals outside of military service. Connect with your regional coordinator today.

Learn More

Personal Financial Management Program

A solid understanding of personal finances will prepare Marines and their family members for a successful transition from military service to civilian life - building confidence when facing financial challenges and responsibilities. Connect with the PFMP office today!

Learn More
Contact Information and Resources
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