Working at MCCS

Whether you’re an employee of MCCS or seeking a career with us, this page is the only stop you need to make. Use this page to find information on our application process, employee benefits, and employee training events. MCCS employees are highly motivated and willing to serve those who serve by providing support through mission, career, and life events.



How to Apply and Join Our Team!

  1. Visit our MCCS Careers website:
  2. Scroll down until you find "Job Search & Apply."
    1. If you are not a current MCCS Employee, please choose "Prospective Employees" and register as a "New User".
    2. If you are a current MCCS Employee, please choose "Current Employees" and use your PeopleSoft employee ID number and passowrd to sign-in.
  3. On the left side of the screen, click on the desired camp location under "Recruiting Location."
  4. The page will display all current openings at the desired camp location.
  5. Click on the title of the announcement to review position description and requirements.
  6. To submit your application, click on "Apply."

All applications must be submitted online via the MCCS Careers website. Applications emailed or mailed will not be considered.

DSN: 645-3052 / Off-base: 098-970-3052


As a Marine Corps Community Service (MCCS) employee, all Regular Full-time and Regular Part-time positions can participate in our exceptional and comprehensive benefits package. Your total compensation is much more than just your paycheck!


Our outstanding benefits provide a full range of options, including but not limited to health insurance, life insurance, a group retirement plan, a 401(k) savings plan, a Military Buyback option, and Tuition Assistance.


Contact our NAF Human Resources Benefits Team to learn more about the benefits that become available to you when you join the MCCS team.

  • 401(k) Retirement Plan with up to a 5% employer match
  • NAF Retirement Plan that can transfer to other qualified government agencies
  • Opportunity to add qualified military service time to your civilian service and retire early
  • International Medical and Dental Insurance
  • Short Term Disability Insurance can provide up to 60% of your salary for three months
  • Inexpensive Life Insurance that pays up to 3x your annual salary
  • Up to $10,000 a year for Tuition Assistance, including College courses in the Classroom or Online, Certifications, and Licenses, CLEP and DANTES exams, up to graduate level
  • Earn Vacation and Sick Leave
  • Flexible Spending Account
  • Leave Donation Program for life’s emergencies.
  • Professional Development Classes in technology, leadership, and specific job skills
  • Qualified dependents can enroll in Department of Defense Schools.
  • Tax-Free or Discounted Shopping through military retail and grocery stores
  • Access to free and discounted Morale, Welfare, and Recreation services

Career Training

Course fee does apply, please contact DSN 645-2032 / Off-Base 098-970-2032.

Instructor led classes currently not available.

Beginning Word (English/Japanese) 

The first workshop in the three-part Microsoft Word training series provides participants with systematic instruction in Word’s most essential features. If your familiarity with Word is primarily based on its application to fulfill the requirements of your job, this workshop will help fill in some of the learning gaps.   Participants will be introduced into the use of such basic Word features as formatting, tab stops, indentation, drop caps, line spacing, etc. and be better prepared to address the most common word processing challenges effectively and efficiently. / ワードの基本的な機能を習得します。 

 Intermediate Word (English/Japanese) 

The second workshop of the three-part Word training series extends the foundation of skills learned in Beginning Word.  The focus of the workshop is to expand participant capabilities to create, edit, and format more complex types of documents.  Participants will be introduced into the use of such Word features as field codes, page/section breaks, styles, mail merge, compare and merge, etc. / 初級で習得した機能を使ってより高度な文書を作成します。

Advanced Word (English/Japanese)

The final workshop in the series, provides participants with the skills and knowledge to handle more advanced challenges. You’ll learn techniques and gain skills that will allow you to create books and other large documents with the sophisticated formatting and design features you find in professionally published material.  Participants will be introduced into the use of such basic advanced Word functions as forms, track changes, macros, foot/end notes, index, etc. / 初級、中級で取得した機能をよりテクニカルに使うことを学びます。

 Beginning Excel (English/Japanese) 

This Beginning Excel training provides the fundamentals and provides participants the opportunity to fill in the inevitable knowledge gaps related to the basic development and use of columns, rows, fonts, borders, shading, autofill and more.  Participants will learn the five most basic Excel formulas and be able to produce spreadsheets that communicate information effectively. /基本的なエクセルの機能を習得します。

Intermediate Excel (English/Japanese) 

Intermediate Excel offers participants more advanced Excel capabilities through the use of mathematical functions that have wide application such as IF function, NESTED IF function, RANK function, etc.  Participants will also focus on the tools for dealing with multiple worksheets simultaneously.  / 初級で習得した機能を使ってより高度なワークシートを作成します。 

Advanced Excel (English/Japanese) 

Participants will become more familiar with such advanced features as pivot table, pivot chart, consolidation, worksheet protection and macro commands that will accelerate completion of your work assignments.  Tips and shortcuts that save time will be taught. / 初級、中級エクセルで習得した機能を使用し、より高度なスプレシートを作成します。 

 Beginning PowerPoint (English/Japanese) 

Unlock the wonders of PowerPoint in this stand-alone class that introduces you to the basics… and a bit beyond. You’ll learn to create well-designed PowerPoint presentations with engaging graphics and eye-catching formatting. Participants will create their own presentation file in the class and complete it by adding a number of features such as clip art graphics, transition effects, animation effects, etc. / パワーポイントの機能を使ってプレゼンテーションの作成をします。 

Intermediate PowerPoint (English/Japanese) 

Familiar with some of the basic features of PowerPoint? If so, jump right into this course. A number of intermediate-level features of this program will be covered which will take the PowerPoint skills and knowledge to the next level. The techniques introduced in this course will help create a more effective presentation.  Participants will be introduced into the use of such PowerPoint features as photo albums, presentation view, import text from Word, slide master, custom slide layout, etc. /パワーポイントの中級レベルの機能を使い,ワンランク上のプレゼンテーション作成を目指します。 

 Introduction to Computers (初心者向けパソコンの基礎)

This course is designed to provide participants with hands-on computer training. Participants can expect to learn about basic computer hardware, software, and operating systems, including how to use mouse and save documents.


Cross-Cultural Communication for Japanese


Cross-cultural communication for non-Japanese

“Cross Cultural Communication” is a four-hour workshop designed to help participants better understand the Japanese culture. The workshop will provide participants with information and insight into the core values of Japanese culture.  The knowledge gained in the workshop will support cross-cultural communication and is an effort to enhance understanding in the workplace.

English Email Etiquette (Basic) 英文Eメール・エチケット(基礎編) 

This course is for employees who aspire to take a job that involves writing e-mails.  The participants will learn basic user interface skills, e-mail composition etiquette, and some commonly-used phrases. これからメールを使う仕事をしたい方を対象に、英文Eメールを書く上での心構えやマナー、よく使う定型表現などメールの初歩をマスターするコースです。 

Presentation Skills (English)

The experience in this Presentation Skills workshop will provide you the opportunity to develop and deliver presentations and receive feedback to self-access the clarity of your message.  It will be like having a personal, public speaking training coach for a day.

Commanders Corner

The Commanders Corner is for all Active Duty Raters, Reviewers, Time-Keepers, and Time-Approvers. The purpose of this section is to provide useful information to the Supervisors of Embedded Employees. Embedded Employees are all Deployment Readiness Coordinators (DRC), Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinators (SARC), and Embedded Preventive Behavioral Health Capability (EPBHC). If you have any questions please contact Employee Relations via email at or via DSN 645-8198 / Off-Base 098-970-8198.

  1. Commander's Brief (Sep 2021) PDF - Provides detailed instructions and resources to help you better manage your Embedded Employee. For a physical booklet, please contact Employee Relations.
  2. MCCS PeopleSoft Access Request Form PDF - Completing and sending this form to will register you into PeopleSoft to be able to review and approve timecards and pay, and be able to approve and finalize Performance Plans for your Embedded Employee.
  3. SF-71 Request for Leave or Approved Absence PDF - Employees are encouraged to submit a SF-71 leave request form for annual leave as soon as possible, but no later than 2 weeks in advance. Employees are encouraged to submit their sick leave requests 3 days before a scheduled sick leave and no later than 2 hours for an unscheduled sick leave. Employee with an unscheduled sick leave are to complete and submit a sick leave request form upon return to their work location.
  4. NAF Progressive Discipline Model PDF - Progressive discipline is not to punish, but to correct, coach, rehabilitate, and set employees up for success. 
  5. Employee Expectations PDF - A manager-driven document that clearly defines an employee's responsibilities and their manager's expectations in order to increase cohesion and employee productivity and to reduce confusion. Make sure to sign and date.
  6. Record of Employee Counseling PDF - This document is used to record counseling between the employee and their supervisor. List and provide documentation of previous warnings. Provide a detailed statement about what you are counseling. Encourage the employee to respond with their perspective. Make sure to sign and date.
  7. MCO P12000.11A W/CH 5 PDF - This Marine Corps Order dictates the policies that govern NAF Employees. Within this Order, you will find policies regarding Leave, Discipline, and Employee Expectations.
  8. Guidelines for Disciplinary Actions PDF - A guide for disciplinary action for use in selecting appropriate disciplinary penalties for various infractions.
  9. Performance Plan Process and Timeline PDF - Performance Plans and Appraisals are an important tool to manage the performance of your employee and to ensure that they are setting themselves up for success.
  10. Rater Desk Reference Guide - A detailed overview and guide on how to successfully manage the Performance Plans and Performance Appraisals for your employee.
  11. Performance Plan Form (Editable) PDF -  Using this form within PeopleSoft will allow you to finalize the Initial Performance Plan goals for your employee, complete their Mid-Year Evaluation, and finalize their Annual Final Rating. 
  12. Rater Performance Appraisal Instructions PDF -  A simplistic guide on how to complete the Initial Performance Plan, Mid-Year Evaluation, and finalize your employee's Annual Final Rating.
  13. Performance Appraisal Reset Instructions PDF -  Instructions on how to reset the Initial and Final Performance Appraisal for your employee. Please contact Employee Relations to reset the Performance Appraisal on their end before initiating these instructions.
  14. Quarter 1 Feedback Form PDF - Optional part of the Performance Plan that allows your employee to self-gauge how they are striving to meet their Performance Plan goals for the first quarter. This is only for the manager's use and has no effect on the Performance Appraisal. May be completed on PeopleSoft under Appendix.
  15. Quarter 3 Feedback Form PDF - Optional part of the Performance Plan that allows your employee to self-gauge how they are striving to meet their Performance Plan goals for the third quarter. This is only for the manager's use and has no effect on the Performance Appraisal. May be completed on PeopleSoft under Appendix.
  16. Performance Appraisal Review Board (PARB) PDF - A detailed explanation of the PARB by example of the 2020 PARB.




2020 EEO Class



Contact Information and Resources
Human Resources

Phone: 098-970-3052

DSN: 645-3052

OCONUS Base Phone: 011-81-98-970-3052

Hours of operation:

Mon–Fri 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Holiday Hours
Resource Links
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