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MCCS Food & Hospitality, along with your hosting Marine Corps Ball club manager, provides a Marine Corps Ball program for each ball attendee. Programs typically include a single insert with the Guest of Honor’s (GOH) photo and biography. As long as requisite GOH deadlines are met, 45 days prior to your unit's ball, MCCS Food & Hospitality will ensure the GOH insert is printed and delivered to the venue for your unit to place at each seat with the program.

Instructions for Guest of Honor Biography and Photo submission:

  • All GOH biographies should follow the Marine Corps University Communications Style Guide MCU CSG Chapter 10. (See Sample GOH below)
  • Guest of Honor biographies and photos are due no later than 45 days prior to your unit’s ball. MCCS will not produce Guest of Honor inserts if submitted past the 45 day deadline. 
  • Any units that miss the 45 day deadline need to use the 2024 template and coordinate printing and program insertion with the club manager where the units ball will be hosted.
  • Due Date Calendar
  • Keep the word count between 300 and 500 words.
  • Please ensure the biographies reflect the Guest of Honor’s current billet and rank. If your GOH is a civilian, please include their current occupational title and city of residence.
  • MCCS Marketing cannot edit acronyms, awards, battles or campaigns, other than ensuring spelling and grammar are correct. Proper nomenclature is the unit POC’s responsibility. Acronyms will be used as submitted. 
  • Use a vertical photo that is a high resolution (JPG with 300 dpi).
  • The photo must be free of any text and/or borders. (No command board photos please).
  • Submit biographies and photos to both email addresses: and You may copy and paste the biography and photo in an email, or attach the biography/photo as a Word doc.

Please note: deadline and biography and photo specifications will be enforced.

If you miss your unit’s Guest of Honor deadline, this template is available for you to create your own GOH insert. 

2024 Guest of Honor Template

For samples of military biographies, please visit the Manpower & Reserve Affairs Biographies Page.
2016 Sample Guest of Honor Insert


Marine Corps Birthday Ball Entertainment Plan

    1. Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) will provide a Disc Jockey (DJ) for all Birthday Balls held at the assigned MCCS facilities at no cost to the unit. If a Birthday Ball is held outside of an assigned MCCS facility the unit will borne the DJ expense. If a unit wishes to request Eisa performance and if the type of performance requested is available, the requesting unit will borne the cost of the entertainment. All Eisa performance request for MC Ball must be submitted by the deadline of 30 SEPTEMBER 2024. Any request submitted for MC ball after 30 September 2024 will not be accepted. All request should be sent by email to: also, please understand that it will be the responsibility of the requesting unit to provide and /or escort performer/artist needing base access and the requesting unit will bear the cost of the entertainment.
    1. Entertainment Branch.
      1. Ensure Entertainment is contracted and scheduled to support each of the balls, and be prepared to accommodate additional support as may be directed by the MCCS Chief (e.g., a live band vice a disc jockey).
      2. Ensure that adequate DJ sound equipment is available to support the entertainment requirement for each of the scheduled Marine Corps Balls.
    1. A listing of the names of the disc jockeys identified to support each of the respective balls will be published by Entertainment; under separate cover. Care will be taken to ensure that the genre of music played will be variety, so that all genres are covered during the Birthday Balls.
    2. All facility managers hosting a ball should make direct liaison with the unit representatives for each scheduled ball to determine any special requirements necessary to support their ball (e.g., podium, special lighting).
    3. DJs will have all of their equipment in place, conducted sound checks, and be ready for operations no later than 1700 on the evenings they are scheduled to provide such services.
    4. Unless otherwise directed by Entertainment, the DJ will be prepared to provide services from the completion of the dinner service to the scheduled end of the respective balls.


Marine Corps Birthday Ball Photography Services Plan 

  • There will be an assigned photographer at each Ball.
  • You do not need to make a request if your ball is on the calendar.
  • Birthday Ball photography packages will be available for sale via the internet. 
  • Attendees can have their photographs taken by professional photographers at no cost.
  • Ball photography website link and secure password will be available via digital monitors within the facility. Attendees can view, choose and purchase a wide range of sizes, finishes, and products utilizing their ball images. Digital downloads will also be available.  
  • Attendees will be able to share their password to allow family and friends to purchase these photographs. 
  • Orders can be processed by each attendee via credit/debit card over the secure website at their leisure. 
  • No cash transactions will take place on-site.
  • Photographs are printed by an online source and mailed directly to the attendee’s PSC box, unit or address of their choice. 
  • For more information, contact DSN 645-5809 / Off Base 098-970-5809 or 

Login Instructions

Please note that it may take up to 10 days for your ball photographs to be accessible and available to view for purchase. 


Download and complete the request form, here:

Or click this link:

**Please be advised submissions of a band request does not automatically guarantee band support for your event.

Transportation & Childcare


Please submit all Transportation Request Forms to no later than TWO WEEKS or 14 calendar days before your scheduled ball. Faxed and hand-delivered requests will not be accepted. All plans for the ball must be solidified before submitting your requests, as multiple or last-minute changes may not be accommodated due to resource limitations.

A single Point of Contact (POC) for your Unit’s Ball is required to ensure efficient, accurate, and up-to-date information for the request is received. If, for any reason, the POC has been reassigned, please ensure MCCS Motor Transportation is provided with the new POC’s information as soon as possible. Please provide a Staff or Senior NCO on each bus to maintain order, discipline, and passenger safety while in transit.

Balls being held at MCCS facilities take priority over Balls being held elsewhere. Additionally, Balls being held outside MCCS facilities will incur a $50 per hour Charter Fee per bus with a minimum 3-hour start-up fee. If your unit does not require or no longer requires bus transportation, please email informing Motor Transportation that services are not required.

Download the Transportation Request Form 2023.


Units may request care for the USMC Ball a minimum of two weeks prior to the event.  The care is paid by the Unit requesting services.  Names and ages of children needing care will be provided to the Resource and Referral Office no less than two weeks prior to the event.  Those families identified for care must register their children through the Resource and Referral Office, Camp Foster, Bldg. 495, Room 100, DSN 645-4117 no less than one week prior to the event.  Families are required to complete CYP registration forms and provide a copy of their child’s immunization record


MCIPAC Marine Corps Birthday Ball Fundraising Information

The following guidance is established for fundraising activities on MCIPAC facilities and areas, in accordance with the following references:


  • (a) DoD 5500.7-R (Joint Ethics Regulation (JER))
  • (b) MCO 5760.4C
  • (c) MCO 7040.11A
  • (d) MCIPACO 5760.2
  • (e) DODI 1000.15     

General Rule: The JER sets out the restrictions on DoD employees fundraising. (See ref (a)).

The JER establishes a “For Us, By Us, Among Us” exception for fundraisers and provides “DoD employees shall not officially endorse or appear to endorse membership drives or fundraising for any non-Federal entity except … (6) Other organizations composed primarily of DoD employees or their dependents when fundraising among their own members for the benefit of welfare funds for their own members or their dependents when approved by the head of the DoD Component command or organization after consultation with the DAEO or designee. (This includes most morale, welfare and recreation programs, regardless of funding sources).”

Note: Individuals may fundraise in a personal capacity for NFEs with command permission. (Ref (b)).  NOTE – personal capacity means NO UNIFORMS


  1. Prior to conducting any fundraising activities on MCIPAC facilities and areas, commands shall contact their Command Legal Counsel or Staff Judge Advocate for guidance. (Ref (c))
  2. Units are authorized to fundraise for the Marine Corps Birthday Balls (MCIPACO 5760.2, Chapter 2, para.1.c) to support the social portion of the Ball (dinner, refreshments, favors, music, and other social activities) (MCO 7040.11A)
  3. Military members may not conduct fundraisers in uniform (DoD 5500.7-R) or during the member’s official duty hours.
  4. Units are allotted two fundraisers per quarter for a total of eight fundraisers per year on MCIPAC facilities and areas. (MCIPACO 5760.2, Chapter 2, Para.2.a)
  5. May not use seals, logos or insignia of the DOD including advertising for the event. (DODI 1000.15, Encl.2. Para.1.a)
  6. May not sell or serve alcoholic beverages or tobacco products. (MCIPACO 5760.2)
  7. May not conduct games of chance, lotteries, raffles, or other gambling-type activities under any circumstances. (MCIPACO 5760.2. Chapter 2, para.2.a.(1))
  8. Door-to-door solicitation in office, barracks, or family housing area is prohibited. (MCIPACO 5760.2. Chapter 2, para.2.a.(2))
  9. Must furnish their own equipment, supplies, and other materials (including setup and tear down). Certain DoD facilities and equipment may be provided, at no additional cost to DoD, as logistical support of charitable fundraising events when the factors of paragraph 3-211.b. of the JER are determined by the cognizant Commander.
  10. Must not engage in activities that duplicate or compete with appropriated or NAF activities (e.g., Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS), the Army Air Force Exchange Service, and the Defense Commissary Agency), (MCIPACO 5760.2)
  11. Military members and civilian employees MUST be off-duty, lunch or leave status to participate in fundraiser events.
  12. Tax/duty free merchandise will be sold only to SOFA-status members, and must be directly related to the specifically approved purpose of the Private Organization.
  13. All money raised must be placed into the unit’s Marine Corps Ball Fundraiser Account, at the MCCS Installation Finance, and be used to support the unit’s Marine Corps Ball.


  1. Must have approved fundraiser request from MCIPAC/OSJA prior to advertising.
  2. Official channels (such as electronic marquees and on-base banners/signs) may be used to communicate information about fundraising events, subject to the discretion of the Camp Director. (MCIPACO 5760.2, Encl. (1) Para.2.a.)
  3. Any printed posters used to publicize your fundraiser may not be displayed in an MCCS facility without the permission of the facility manager. You must coordinate your printed poster with MCCS Marketing at 645-3970 or email Marketing Distribution at
  4. Must prominently display the following disclaimer on all print and electronic media confirming that: ―"THIS IS A NON-FEDERAL ENTITY. IT IS NOT A PART OF THE DEPARTMENT Of DEFENSE OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENTS, AND IT HAS NO GOVERNMENTAL STATUS (MCIPACO 5760.2)
  5. Government owned computers, printers, paper, copiers, etc. are NOT to be used to create or reproduce these marketing materials. (Joint Ethics Regulation 5500.07-R, Chap.2-301)
  6. May NOT use sponsorship of any kind for fundraisers or private organizations.


  1. DOD employees, both uniformed and civilian, shall not solicit funds from outside sources or endorse the fundraising efforts of non-Federal entities. (MCO 7040.11A) Individuals may fundraise in a personal capacity for NFEs with command permission. (Ref (b))
  2. It is extremely difficult for an overseas off-base fundraiser to comply with the Marine Corps Order.  Overseas off-base fundraiser requests are unlikely to be approved.
  3. Gifts from outside entities may only be accepted in accordance with 5 C.F.R. Part 2635, DOD 5500.7-R, SECNAVINST 4001.2H and MCO P5800.16A. Except as provided by DOD 5500.7-R and SECNAVINST 4001.2H, gifts from prohibited sources (e.g. government contractors, military associations, local businesses, etc) may not be accepted. Prior to accepting any gift from an outside entity, commands must consult and obtain a written legal opinion from their Command Legal Counsel or Staff Judge Advocate.

Marine Corps Ball Fundraising Account

Fundraising Deposit

  • Fundraising proceeds should be deposited at any of the MCCS clubs cash cage.
    • Camp Kinser- Surfside
    • Camp Foster- Ocean Breeze
    • Camp Hansen- The Palms
    • Camp Schwab- Beach Head
  • A copy of the deposit receipt must be sent to Installation Finance- Unit Funds for funds to be credited to the unit’s account in a timely manner. A completed deposit form and fundraising approval form (MCIPAC-MCBB/SJA/5760/1) must accompany receipt submission as supporting documents for funds deposited.

Funding Execution

  • The Commanding Officer must appoint, in writing, a designee to be responsible for the unit’s Marine Corps Ball fundraising account. A copy of the signed appointment letter must be provided to Installation Finance. This authorizes the funds designee to transact with Installation Finance regarding funds requests, transfers, and account inquiries. 
  • A completed copy of NAVMC 11652 must be submitted for all expenditure requests. While any person from the unit can be a claimant (Block 3a) on the NAVMC, only the commanding officer and the appointed funds designee can sign as Approving Official on Block 11.
  • Check requests, for either advance funds or reimbursement, must be submitted by Friday for the check to be available for pick-up the following week, Thursday, 1300, at Ocean Breeze (Camp Foster).
  • Internal transfer requests (BUM transfers) to MCCS facilities (clubs for supplemental contracts, Motor-T for transportation support, CYP childcare facilities, etc.) must be submitted at least two (2) days prior to the event.
  • Receipts, with 3rd party signature, must be submitted within five (5) working days after the event for reconciliation. Any person in the unit, not the claimant nor the approving official, must attest to the purchase made with the funds requested with their printed name and signature on the receipt.
  • Unused funds should be deposited back to the unit’s account through deposit at any of the MCCS club cash cage. A copy of the deposit receipt must be submitted to Installation Finance as part of the reconciliation.

Points of Contact:



Contact Information and Resources


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