MMA Fight Night
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Coming December 20, 2025!
Thank you to everyone who came out to the 2024 MMA Fight Night! Check out the recap video, and see you in December.
MMA Fight Night on Camp Foster will feature fighters from different weight classes—including flyweight, bantamweight, featherweight, welterweight, lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight. Doors will open at 4 p.m. but get there early if you want a good spot because seating is limited. The first fight will begin at 5 p.m. and there will be plenty of food and beverages available for purchase, including from our MCCS food trucks; credit card payment only.
MMA Fight Night will feature special guest appearances by Anna “Supergirl” Jaroonsak who is the Muay Thai Champion of Thailand (Junior Bantamweight) and the One Championship Athlete (Kick Boxing & Muay Thai) and her sister Nat “Wondergirl” Jaroonsak who is Muay Thai Champion of Thailand (Bantamweight) and One Championship Athlete (MMA & Muay Thai).
MMA Fight Night is FREE and open to all DoD ID card holders and authorized guests. No one will be admitted with pets, outside food or beverages, glass bottles or coolers, so please leave them at home.
Bouts 1 through 12 are 3 minutes, 2 rounds.
Bout 13 is 3 minutes, 3 rounds.
Bouts 14 through 18 are 5 minutes, 2 rounds with 1 round extension.
Bout 1
Bout 2
The winners of bout 1 and 2 will take the bout 13 spot.
Bout 3
Bout 4
Bout 5
Bout 6
Bout 7
Bout 8
Bout 9
Bout 10
Bout 11
Bout 12
Bout 13
Bout 13 will be the winners of Bout 1 and 2
Bout 14
Bout 15
Bout 16
Get ready for an unforgettable experience at the MMA Workshop featuring renowned fighters Supergirl and Wondergirl! Join us for a day filled with excitement, empowerment, and skill-building as we dive into the world of mixed martial arts. Open to Marines, Sailors and family members 18+. Each camp is limited to 120 spots so sign up soon!
Camp Hansen
December 13, 8-10 a.m.
House of Pain North - House of Pain North Gym 2nd floor MMA Room
MCAS Futenma
December 13, 1-3 p.m.
Futenma Semper Fit Gym - Basketball Court
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