Complete the Picture

Complete the Picture

All Marines know the importance of sight alignment and sight picture. But have you taken the time to begin snapping in for your retirement years? If you retire from the Marine Corps, your pension and Social Security can take you pretty far on your journey to retirement. But for Marines in either the legacy or blended retirement system, an employer sponsored savings plan, such as the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) can help make the picture complete.

Watch the video, "The TSP: What's It All About?"

If you haven’t already, become a TSP participant. If you are already enrolled in TSP, check your contribution level to make sure you are on track to meet your retirement goals.

For more information, visit your installation Personal Financial Management Specialist. To adjust or terminate contributions to TSP, go to myPay.

For more personal finance information, check out the Personal Financial Management MarineNet Video channel.

\"\"Go to the next article, "How Long are You Going to Live in Retirement?"




\"\"Go to the previous article, "The Perfect Match."



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