Mission Mini Marine Complete
The Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) Baby Expo wrapped up on Saturday, September 7, with hundreds of families attending across the five installations that participated. In particular, Camp Pendleton saw a splendid turnout, with more than 500 people in attendance. Each patron received a Baby Passport that they could get stamped at each station as they learned about the different Marine & Family Programs available for new Marine Corps parents. At the end of their rounds, they could present their fully stamped passport to receive a gift bag of goodies and enter into a local MCX giveaway. California Highway Patrol representatives were also at the event, providing instructions and tips on the proper installation of car seats.
MCAS Miramar, MCAGCC 29 Palms, MCB Quantico, and MCB Camp Lejeune also participated, providing information on MCCS programs and services while running giveaways and good deals on featured products for infants, toddlers, young children, and new parents.
If you missed it, don’t worry! You can still learn more about the resources available for Marine Corps families at the following links:
- Semper Fit Health Promotions, Dietician/Fitness Programs (if offered at your installation)
- New Parent Support Program, and other Family Advocacy programs
- Child and Youth Programs
- Marine Corps Family Team Building (Family Readiness)
- Deployment Readiness Coordinators (DRCs) and Unit Readiness Coordinators (URCs)
- Information and Referral, and other Personal and Professional Development programs