Tuition Assistance

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While you’re on active duty, 100% of your tuition is covered at accredited institutions, up to $250 per college credit and/or $4500 per year. The Tuition Assistance Program is available at any duty station and participating can even help you earn bonus points toward promotion. To continue receiving these benefits, Marines must maintain a "C" average while enrolled.

** NOTICE** 

Important updates to the Military Tuition Assistance policy in the NAVMC 1560.25. Please see the most recent guidelines for Marine Corps Tuition Assistance.

For more information, please contact your nearest MCCS Education Center.  


For current Tuition Assistance policy and procedures, click here.

Tuition Assistance is a program offered by the Department of Defense intended to encourage service members to volunteer to attend courses delivered by accredited civilian educational institutions on campus, at military installations, or through distance learning during off-duty times. To aid with this, $4,500 is available for active duty Marines every fiscal year (1 October - 30 September) to help pay for the cost of tuition. Current rates are $250 per semester hour or $166.67 per quarter hour.

Are you a Sailor interested in Tuition Assistance?  Click here for Navy specific guidelines and contact information.


First-time tuition assistance applicants must complete the eligibility requirements to access this funding. 

  1. Personal Readiness Seminar (PRS)
    • Completed in-person on any Marine Corps installation or via Joint Knowledge Online (JKO).
    • The course is J3OP- US1395-Personal Readiness Seminar (PRS) Survival Skills (2 hrs).
    • Upload the completion certificate to your Web TA Portal.
  2. Complete both the Skills Survey and Interests Survey in Career Path Decide and upload a screenshot showing completion to their Tuition Assistance portal. 
  3. Attend a Marine Corps Tuition Assistance Overview (TA) Brief (no registration required).
    • In-Person Schedule:
      • Schwab - Tuesday & Thursday 10 a.m.
      • Hansen - Monday & Wednesday 10 a.m.
      • Courtney - Monday & Wednesday 10 a.m.
      • Foster - Tuesday & Thursday 10 a.m.
      • Futenma - Monday & Wednesday 10 a.m.
      • Kinser - Tuesday & Thursday 10 a.m.
  4. Meet at least one of the following criteria  
    • completed at least 10 academic semester credits at the post-secondary level, with no grade lower than a C. 
    • earned a score of at least 50 on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT). 
    • earned a score of at least 100 on the General Technical portion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery;
    • completed the Academic Skills Program in the classroom;
    • completed the Online Academic Skills Program (OASC).
    • score 11 at minimum on the Test of Adult Basic Education (contact your local Education Center to schedule).   
If none of these criteria’s are met, the installation Education Services Officer (ESO) reserves the right to authorize TA for one course per academic term until ten semester credits (or fifteen quarter credits) have been completed. If all academic credits are completed with no grade lower than a C, the Marine may continue to use TA at the maximum allowable. 

Applying for Tuition Assistance

Once the eligibility requirements are met, the next steps are enrolling in school and applying for TA to help cover the cost of tuition.

  1. Enroll in the school of your choice and request a degree plan (the list of classes required to earn your degree)
    1. First time TA users MUST attend their first TA funded class at an on-island school. Contact your local education center for possible exceptions to this requirement.
    2. Once received, upload a copy of your degree plan to your Web TA Portal.
  2. Choose a class that you wish to attend and apply for Tuition Assistance through your Web TA Portal.
    1. For guidance, please follow the instructions on our Step-by-Step Guide.

Command Approvers

The Tuition Assistance (TA) Command Approver:
  • Has By-Direction authority to approve TA requests (appointment letter maintained by the Unit Education Officer)
  • Approves/ Denies TA applications based on Command eligibility requirements
  • Provides Marines with education services information and referral

*Download the documents, complete all fields and sign. Submit copies to the CO, UEO and Education Center for records.

Tuition Assistance Events

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